The ABC party.
Цель мероприятия: в занимательной форме повторить изученный материал.
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, магнитофон, зонт, шары, 2 пенала с цветными карандашами, алфавит, фасад теремка, маски героев сказки.
Участники: учащиеся 2 класса и учащиеся 5 класса ( изучающие английский язык 1 год)
Ход мероприятия:
Звучит песня (поют Корниенко Ксения, Мажирина Кристина, Ващишина Татьяна, Турич Ангелина)
Hello! Come in! It’s nice to meet you!
Hello! Come in! It’s nice to meet you!
Hello! Come in! It’s nice to meet you!
Hello! Hello! Hello!
Hello! Let’s start learning English!
Hello! Let’s start learning English!
Hello! Hello! Hello!
Hello! It’s fun learning English!
Hello! It’s fun learning English!
Hello! It’s fun learning English!
Hello! Hello! Hello!
Teacher: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls! Good afternoon our guests and teachers! I am glad to meet you in our classroom. Today we have our ABC party. I think you’ll enjoy it. Have a good time!
Kseniya: Good afternoon children! My name is Kseniya. I am from
Ксения показывает презентацию про алфавит, дети рассказывают стихи про каждую букву.
Aa P1: Apples here, apples there,
Apples, apples everywhere.
Bb P2: Bounce! Bounce! It’s my ball!
It doesn’t want to stop at all.
Cc P3: I am the cat.
My name is Hat.
I am not fat.
I like to chat!
Dd P4: But I’ll tell you first of all
About my friend, whom I like best of all.
I have a dog, his name is Jack,
His head is white, his ears are black.
Ee P5: Little yellow bee, bee, bee!
How many flowers can you see?
Ff P6: One, two, three, and four, and five!
I have got a fish alive!
Gg P7: I am a girl.
I’ve got a doll.
Her name is May!
We like to play.
Hh P8: Little mouse, little mouse!
Where is your house?
I am a poor mouse,
I have no house.
Ii P9: Spring is coming! Warm and nice!
Ice is melting! Poor ice!
Jj P10: Merry Jimmy Jinn is jumping in his jeans.
Kk P11: The King is strong.
The King is brave.
What is his name?
He is Nick Grey.
Ll P12:Who lives in
He, she or me?
One lion, two lions, three….
Mm P13:Little mice, little mice!
Would you like a piece of ice?
We would like a piece of cheese.
Yes, please.
Nn P14: How much is one plus one?
Two big nuts for everyone.
Teacher: Children, can you count?
Children: Yes, we can.
Teacher: Let’s sing a song " Ten little pencils” Who would like to sing?
Lera and Ilya: ( поют и перекладывают карандаши из одного пенала в другой и обратно)
One little, two little, three little pencils,
Four little, five little, six little pencils,
Seven little, eight little nine little pencils
Ten little pencils in my pencil case.
Ten little, nine little, eight little pencils,
Seven little, six little pencils, five little pencils,
Four little, three little, two little pencils,
One little pencil in your pencil case.
Teacher: Thank you very much. Let’s go on.
Oo P15: "Tick-tock! Tick-Tock!
Play and walk,” says the clock.
Pp P16: I’ve got a pet.
My pet is a pig.
He is not big.
Qq P17: Marry the Queen can dance and sing.
Rr P18: One, two, three! One, two, three!
Nice red roses you can see!
Ss P19: Oh, Mary! Come and see!
A big snake is in the tree.
Tt P20: Where is Tricky?
Where is he?
He is under the table.
Oh, I see.
Uu P21: ( a riddle ) I`ve got a flower above my head.
Blue and yellow, green and red.
(раскрывает яркий зонтик)
Children: an umbrella!
Teacher: Yes, you are right! Look! What a beautiful girl!
Little Red Riding Hood: Hello, children! My name is Little Red Riding Hood.
I have got a lot of balloons. Let’s sing and dance all together. (поёт песенку о любимом цвете. Дарит шар того цвета о котором поёт ребёнок из зрительного зала)
What’s your favourite colour?
What’s your favourite colour?
What’s your favourite colour?
What’s your favourite,
What’s your favourite,
What’s your favourite colour?
My favourite colour is orange ( red, green, blue),
My favourite colour is orange,
My favourite colour,
My favourite colour,
My favourite colour is orange!
Vv P22: Can you dance?
Can you sing?
I can play the violin.
Ww P23: Tim is slim. Tim is tall.
He can sit on the wall.
Xx P24: I see two funny foxes
With two small boxes.
Yy P25 Fly! Fly! In the sky!
My nice and funny kite!
Zz P26: We go, we go, we go to the zoo!
We can see a tiger and a zebra too.
Teacher: Thank you very much. Are you tired? Let’s sing and dance all together.
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.
Touch, touch, touch your ears,
Touch your ears together.