Урок в 8 классе по теме: «Окружающая среда» c применением технологии критического мышления. (Учебник О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева Английский язык 4-й год обучения)
Цель урока: обобщение знаний учащихся по теме «Окружающая среда».
Воспитательная задача: стимулировать учащихся к активной мыслительной деятельности.
Развивающая задача: развивать общий кругозор учащихся, учить размышлять по теме.
Учебная задача: совершенствование навыков и развитие умения практического владения английским языком.
Ход урока.
T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you!
II. Фаза вызова:
T: Look at the picture, please (на картинке изображение красивого уголка природы). What are we going to talk about? What’s your opinion? (мозговой штурм)
P1: We’ll talk about nature.
P2: about plants
P3: I think we’ll talk about animals.
P4: about place where we live etc.
T: Yes, you are right. The theme of our lesson is "Our Environment”. What is our environment?
(составление кластера)
plants animals soil
water air birds
T: Can people live without air? Why?
P1: No, we need air to breath.
T: Can people live without water?
P2: No, we must drink and wash.
T: Can we live without plants?
P3: No, they help to make soil. Etc.
T: Yes, you are right. People can’t live without air, water, plants, and animals. But they pollute the environment. The more people pollute the environment the more animals die. The more forests we cut down the less clean air we breathe. The more factories we build the more wastes we have. The more water we waste the more we destroy the ecology of our lakes and rivers. What must we do to stop polluting the environment?
(мозговой штурм)
P1: to stop cutting down trees
P2: don’t dump waste in the forest
P3: don’t destroy the habitats of birds and animals
P4: to support ecological organizations
P5: use bikes instead of cars
P6: don’t pour toxic wastes into our rivers, seas and oceans and
P7: to close factories, which pollute our environment
P8: don’t cut wild flowers
P9: don’t spray the poison
T: You point to some problems:
Cutting down trees
Dumping waste in the forest
Destruction of bird’s and animal’s habitats
Supporting of ecological organizations
Acid rains
Pouring toxic wastes
Using cars
Spraying the poison
Cutting wild flowers
and so on.
Now let’s define which of these problems you mentioned above are the most dangerous and which are less dangerous. Put them in order of decreasing. Work in groups.
Group work.
T: Now let’s draw the common decision.
III. Фаза осмысления.
T: We decided that the first three positions are for pouring toxic waste, acid rains, cutting down trees. Now we are going to comprehend the reason of these problems. Find in the text the answers to the following questions:
(формулировка вопроса, на который необходимо найти ответ)
What can people do to protect our environment from toxic waste?
What can people do to protect our environment from acid rains?
What can people do to protect our forests from cutting down?
T: While reading use the Insert tables/ first read individually, then discuss in groups and prepare for presentation of group’s answer.
(Метод Insert)
Reading individually and discussion in the groups.
(работа в малых парах)
T: Now each group gives us their understanding of the problem. Other groups listen to carefully and give their own opinion, using POPS formula.
(Круговая система, ПОПС-формула)
Presentation and dispute.
4. Фаза размышления (рефлексии):
(написание синквейна)
T: As a result of our discussion all of you come to the decision that if we don’t protect our environment all living things may disappear. The last step of our work will be writing the
sinkvein. Show in your sinkveins what you understand from the lesson, your thoughts and dreams.
Group work and publications.
5. Заключительная часть.
Дом. зад. Написать сочинение о своём участии в защите окружающей среды.